Mt. Carmel High School

Address: 201 Pear Street Mt. Carmel, IL


Phone: 618-262-5104

History- MCHS Structures
In 1882, 两位年轻的女士毕业于现在高中建筑的旧址. There were no graduates in 1891, but after that point, enrollments and graduations soared, reaching a record high of 217 with the class of 1971.
The site of the Old Seminary School, which the first graduates attended, was purchased in 1858 for $300, 虽然现在的高中校园已经从原来的两个地块大大扩展, 从那时起,这处房产就被用作教育用途. 旧的神学院建筑在19世纪90年代初被夷为平地,建造了一座白色框架建筑,并被用作小学多年.
In 1892, a building at the corner of Eighth and Mulberry Streets, (现在的公共图书馆所在的地方)是专门为这所高中而建的,叫做林肯高中. The building was used as such until 1914. 直到1948年,该建筑被用作林肯和中心小学,当时学生在该建筑内的安全受到质疑. The school was razed in the late 1950’s.
一座最先进的新高中建筑于1914年完工, with great fanfare to the community. The building stood on the current site of the high school, 但是入口正对着第二街,在皮尔和布拉夫之间. This was a very up-to-date building for its time, providing facilities for manual arts, laboratory science, 还有商业课程和健身房,那里的设备在当时看来是很精致的. 这个体育馆,多年来被亲切地称为2号体育馆,图书馆至今仍在使用!
During the late teens and early twenties, Mt. 卡梅尔是一个篮球巨人,随着篮球的日益普及, additional bleachers and balconies were installed. 学校对篮球的热情在1927年的州冠军赛中达到顶峰, 是什么导致了现在的体育馆的建设,以容纳大量的球迷. 新的体育馆于1930年附属于新的初中大楼. 在1956年南北学校建成之前,这座建筑一直被用作镇上的初中. The building, which faced Third Street, 后来被并入高中,被许多人称为, “the North Building” or “Old Building.该建筑在2000年被夷为平地,在1930年的体育馆周围建造了一座新的单层建筑.
Twenty years passed before the next round of improvements, which included an agriculture building, music facilities, cafeteria, homemaking wing, 在两个建筑之间的梨街一侧有一条连接走廊. 在1951年的版本中,只有自助餐厅和农业部分至今仍在使用.
The stadium property was acquired in 1928, 在当地商人开办汽车赛道的尝试失败后. 混凝土看台是拟议的三阶段座位的第一阶段, but due to lack of financial success, went under financially. 这处房产以未公开的价格卖给了特区政府, although legend has it that the group sold the property for $1, but there is no confirmation of this story. With this addition, 校园规模扩大了一倍,并以独特的虚张声势座位成为当地体育迷参观的景点. 黄金王牌队在河景体育场的橄榄球场上取得了空前的成功,1981年获得了3A级橄榄球冠军,1974年获得了亚军, 2001, 02 and 2011. 在20世纪30年代末,这个设施被增加了一个舞台和更衣室. A concession building was added during the early 1990’s, press box was added in the late 1990’s, after a fire destroyed the old block press box and, 这条全天候赛道于2005年完工,2008年又增加了一座赛道储存大楼. Over the years, 改进了主要的足球比赛场地,增加了练习场和乐队练习区. 这些项目是由卡梅尔山体育助推器俱乐部赞助的, Alumni, and many area businesses.

February 2, 1962 was a date that all in Mt. Carmel would remember forever, as a disastrous fire, of unknown origin, began shortly after midnight that would consume MCHS. 附近几个城镇的消防部门赶来灭火,但在埃文斯维尔消防局的一辆通气管卡车抵达后,火势得到了控制. By that time, the 1914 building was gutted and judged totally destroyed, 只有体育馆和图书馆所在的城镇得以挽救.
The rebuilding was a fast moving project. Some consideration was given to moving to a new suburban site, which was the popular trend of that day, but it was decided to remain at the historic location. Between bond sales and insurance money, 1962年秋天,新建筑开始建造,直到1964年春天,这座建筑才被占用.
2000年通过了一项税收公投,旧的北楼被夷为平地,为2001年秋季完工的单层翼区让路. 这座新楼配备了中央空调,并容纳了音乐, social studies, business and health/drivers education departments. 从2017年秋季开始,初中现在被安置在这个版本中,高中被挤在1914年和1964年的结构中.
During the 2010-2011 school year FFA Alumni, 其他个人和企业筹集资金,在学校的悬崖一侧建造了一个温室. The greenhouse was completed in the spring of 2011.
With the help of the MCHS Alumni and other interested groups, 1964年的礼堂进行了翻新,包括新的座位和音响和照明系统.
There have been over a hundred Mt. 卡梅尔大学的毕业生进入了校友名人堂,在接下来的五年里,还有更多的人将被提名. Several MCHS graduates are respected, 有影响力的个人已经成为所有行业的领导者在国内和世界范围内. 校友会延续了我们现在的学生“相信成就”的梦想,这个团体继续成为我们学校系统的巨大财富!

It would be an impossible task, after 140 years, to list the achievements of the high school, but suffice it to say, every student has had an effect upon their lives by friends, 他们在MCHS遇到的老师或教练以及这些学生不仅对他们的家庭环境产生了重大影响, the community, but within the State of Illinois and the nation. The students are the greatest accomplishments of Mt. Carmel High School! May this tradition continue and grow!

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